
An Eqii Tale

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Chapter 1

Once upon a time in the land of Eqii (pronounced "ee-kee") there lived two young huntresses in a great forest.  Ewena, the eldest, and Shaterdkeda, the longest-named.  Together, they lived in the forest, at one with nature.

But one day, they got into an argument about what to eat for dinner.

"I want meat," cried Shaterdkeda.

"I want greens," countered Ewena.

And so they were at odds, because between the two of them they could eat an animal and leave no waste, or a head of lettuce and leave none left over.  But they both agreed that it just wouldn't do to each eat only half, leaving the other half to rot and go bad.

Chapter 2

They didn't know how to fix their fight over food, but they had once heard wind of a wise, ancient man who lived in the furthest edges of the forest, named Danean the Discerning.  It was said of this Danean that he had lived for so long, and seen so many things in his so many years, that there was not a situation for which he hadn't a solution.

And so it was that they two decided together that they would postpone their repast, and travel to ask of this ancient and wise Danean what to do about dinner.

Chapter 3

Along the way they bumped into a foolish man named Amberion the Ambivalent, a miserly young man, renowned for wandering the globe undecided.  They asked where he was going and he said, "I see plusses and minuses to everywhere I might choose."

"Well, we're traveling to see Danean, the old, old wise man who has lived so long that he has seen every problem possible in the world, and already knows the answer," said Ewena.

"You should come along with us," offered Shaterdkeda, "and Danean will tell you what to do with your life."

"I can see your point, I guess," conceded Amberion.

And so all three set off in search of the old, old sage.

Chapter 4

After weeks of searching, they finally arrived at a small cave, in which sat Danean the Discerning.  They approached him with humility, the hunters to present their quandary, Amberion to find out what to do with his life.

Danean turned his aged eyes first to Amberion and said, "I know the answer to your question."

"Well, I'll be," replied the young man.

"The question I have for you is this: Do you really care?"

"I could see value in caring or not, actually––"

"As expected," he said sharply, and turned his old head towards the sisters.  "And I know the answer to your question as well," he said, more patiently.

Chapter 5

"Please tell us, oh aged and discerning Danean," pleaded Shaterdkeda.

"You must go out and hunt your beast and gather your herbs, and prepare them as normal, and then I will reveal the secret to you."

This they did, and there was too much for the both of them to eat in an evening meal.  They brought their plenty before Danean, and Ewena said, "What shall we do now?"

Danean turned from them and asked Amberion, "How long has it been since you've eaten?  Because I've been in this cave so long, I'm famished!"

The End.
This is a (very) short story I wrote for some friends who were playing EverQuest 2 at the time, using their character names. One of them needed a four-sectioned story short enough to fit into a single chat message, as though she were reading aloud the contents of four books. (The books were part of a raid boss fight, I believe.)

She had to cut down some parts, and the 4th and 5th chapters were compressed into a single chapter. But here is the completed text. Not intended as serious literature. ^_^;;;
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